Information can either be physical or electronic as there are a lot of different types of information For example, information can include your name, phone number, biometrics, and so on. Thus, information security is a broad field of study that includes cryptography, mobile computing, cyber forensics, online social media, and more. Information security is the process of taking steps to keep information from being seen by people who aren’t supposed to see it, like performing penetration tests on applications, encrypting data, and using a lot of countermeasures.

How Can You Start in Information Security?

There are a variety of things you can do to get started in the field of information security. First and foremost, you must gather knowledge to learn some fundamentals. You can gain this knowledge from a variety of sources, such as reading anything from the Open Online Application Security Project (OWASP), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving web application security. In the world of web development and technology, the OWASP Foundation is the go-to resource for web developers and technologists who want to safeguard the web by implementing community-led open source software efforts. It makes open source tools available to web developers and technologists to help them safeguard the web. A person interested in pursuing a career in cyber security can learn more about the field by reading up on a variety of tools and resources related to information security available on the internet. The problem is that such reading will not provide you with a clear path or a proper ladder on which you can climb to become an information security specialist. Certifications are beneficial in this situation since they provide suitable direction, expertise, and even the credentials of that knowledge to the individual. Because certifications are recognized by various organizations and can be utilized to obtain employment quickly, it is always suggested to obtain certifications that correspond to your skills. They allow you to gain comprehensive knowledge on a variety of subjects in a single sitting and can even be used to demonstrate your abilities. Let’s discuss a couple of certifications real quick.

SASE Expert Level 1

Gartner has introduced a new enterprise networking technology category: secure access service edge (SASE). It does this by combining existing network and security characteristics to create a single global native cloud service. Many companies are concentrating on SASE and recruiting specialists in this field because network security can address a wide range of difficulties. SASE and its architecture are covered in detail in Cato Networks’ SASE Expert Level 1 certification course. A wide range of topics are covered in detail in this certification, which includes how networks evolved from SD-WAN to SASE, their basic distinctions, and the advantages they currently offer, among other things. This course also offers a full examination of VPNs, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing them. Most importantly, it is a fantastic tutorial that will guide you through the migration process as well as other parts of the SASE software.


Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a certification that can be earned by demonstrating knowledge of assessing the security of computer systems, web applications, networks, and cryptography by looking for flaws and vulnerabilities in those targeted systems. This certification looks at your ability to employ the same knowledge, mindset, and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and ethical manner, when assessing the security posture of a target system and make recommendations for patching. A wide range of issues, including cryptography, network security and web application development are covered in detail.

CompTIA Security+

If you want to pass the Security+ exam, you must be knowledgeable in the areas of threat management, cryptography, network access control, risk assessment, and identity management. Threat management and risk assessment are included in this certification. Using threat modelling, teams can learn how to identify and eradicate bugs earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), resulting in significant savings for the company. Having these abilities is essential for any profession in this field. It will be really beneficial to get this qualification. Companies can easily assess your expertise and how you might assist them in being more safe and efficient as a result of holding this certification. These certifications are the best in class that an information security professional can obtain to start a career in information security.

Why Is IT Security Sector Booming Now?

The field of information security, also known as cybersecurity, is rapidly expanding. The primary reason for this expansion is that most businesses simply cannot afford a data breach, which results in the loss of the organization’s reputation, the loss of trust in customers, and a significant amount of monetary loss. The amount of data breaches and the cost of cybercrime have both climbed dramatically in recent years. The total cost of cybercrime is anticipated to be double that of 2017 by 2022. An organization cannot afford to hire the least qualified information security analysts when the company’s future is on the line and its information is at risk. Another explanation could be that hackers are becoming more sophisticated, and they are no longer limited to targeting computers, websites, and servers; any technology that is connected to the internet or that makes use of codes is vulnerable. More items and systems than ever before are at risk of being taken over by hackers. Businesses require the best information security professionals to identify and mitigate security threats for every technological innovation, as well as to secure the information of their customers. A more secure environment nurtures customer confidence, and a more secure environment encourages customer confidence in the business.


Information security is evolving at a quick pace, and it is critical to keep track of each and every development and change. Users or beginners can keep themselves up to date with the help of certificates, other open source tools, and knowledge articles, among other sources of information. As a result, it is critical that you study them and seek a number of different certifications so that you can readily demonstrate your abilities to various organizations.

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