Gmail Experiencing an Outage

When you notice that you aren’t receiving new emails on your Gmail account, check to see whether the service is down. Gmail’s servers go down from time to time, which can prevent incoming emails from being delivered. Take a peek at the Gmail icon next to it. The Gmail servers are up and functioning if that icon is green. If the icon is orange or pink, it indicates that Gmail’s servers are down. In the event of a Google server outage, there’s nothing you can do but wait for it to come back up. These problems are usually resolved swiftly by Google.

Gmail is a web-based email service

If you use Outlook to access Gmail, there may be a problem with your client that prevents fresh emails from being delivered. Follow the instructions below to access Gmail’s online interface and see whether you have any new emails.

Examine Gmail’s Storage

Gmail makes use of the storage space in your Google account. If you’re running out of storage space in Gmail, you might not be able to receive new emails. Follow the steps below to check the storage of your Gmail account.

Examine the Spam Folder

Gmail may mistakenly classify a safe email as spam and send it to the spam folder. If you don’t see a fresh email after the instructions below, check your spam folder.

Examine the ‘All Mail’ folder.

The All Mail folder in Gmail holds all of your account’s emails. Whether you can’t find an email in a certain folder, it’s worth checking the All Mail folder to see if it’s there.

Examine Gmail’s Filters

You can apply numerous actions to the emails you receive on your Gmail account using filters. It’s possible that a filter is conducting an operation on its own and blocking your incoming emails mistakenly.

Email Forwarding should be disabled.

Gmail has email forwarding, which allows you to send incoming emails to a certain address and subsequently delete the original. If you’re not receiving emails, follow the steps below to disable email forwarding. If this option resolves your problem, select Keep Gmail’s copy in the Inbox from the dropdown menu to enable email forwarding.

Alternative Approaches

If you’re still having trouble receiving new emails in Gmail, try these steps: Hopefully, one of these solutions was successful in restoring your Gmail account. Please let us know which option worked best for you in the comments section below.