The connection is made through remote servers, masking the client’s IR address, often with the addition of encryption and other security features. This makes it almost impossible for the user, network, and computer to be identified by any third parties. Find out more in this article about VPN technology and get 5 useful tips on how to enjoy free Internet from your smartphone through a VPN.

What Is a VPN Network and How Does It Work?

VPN is an anonymous network connection technology. It makes personal data safe on the Internet. Connecting to the Netflix VPN network makes your IP address almost invisible. In particular, VPN for Netflix transfers your connection to a server in the country you choose and shows the IP address from that location. Thus, the VPN network works as a website unblocker and additional layer of protection, encrypting all data passing through it and ensuring privacy on the Internet. Personal information, location data, and browsing history will not be readable by anyone who tries to identify and track you. Even your Internet Service Provider will not be able to collect data about your online actions. When using public Wi-Fi, you connect to a less secure network, creating the perfect opportunity for hackers to gain access to your devices. Using a free VPN browser will help encrypt your connection and protect you from intruders who want to steal personal information, passwords, or bank details. However, this threat also exists when using home Wi-Fi. Although most people think that such a network is more secure, this is not always the case. You cannot be sure of the strength of the password to the home network and know about it being cracked by intruders.

What Are the Benefits of Using a VPN Network for a Smartphone User?

Here is a list of the benefits that the free VPN browser provides to the user:

Protection of confidential data. The information you provide is stored on VPN servers in the selected country and is therefore not associated with you. You fully guard your privacy; Hiding browsing information. VPN hides your IP address from the ISP, websites, and applications you use. However, complete anonymity on social networks is not possible because you need to be logged in to use it; The ability to access websites blocked in a certain territory. If the resource is not available where you live, you can bypass some of these restrictions by having your Internet connection supposedly work elsewhere; Using a smartphone as a hotspot to various content on streaming platforms. With an IP address in another country, you can use streaming platforms that often offer different movies and shows depending on the region; Saving money. Changing the geographic location of your IP address by connecting to a VPN network will allow you to select a cheaper region for certain services.

Useful Tips for VPN Users

To get the most out of using VPN technology, pay attention to the following helpful tips.

Choose the Right Server Location

When using a VPN, it is very important to choose the right server location. Otherwise, there may be interruptions in the free VPN browser. Of course, connection problems can be caused by disruption on the line, but in most cases, they occur due to an unsuccessfully selected VPN server. Therefore, try to choose the VPN server closest to your destination.

Use Wired Connection

Wi-Fi is excellent, but if you connect several devices to the same network at the same time, the Internet speed may drop. Wireless connections use a common channel to transmit data to all the devices in your home, which can slow down the speed. If possible, switch to wired internet, and VPN will always work efficiently.

Pay Attention to Advanced Settings

The set of features in each private virtual network differs from service to service. So, it is appropriate to read the documentation carefully and review the advanced settings. For example, many VPN services include a Kill-Switch feature. Once enabled, this option prevents the smartphone from receiving or transmitting information over the Internet while VPN is disabled. This feature is useful when your smartphone is disconnected from the VPN and can transmit (or receive) bits of information over an unencrypted connection.

Customize Protocol

Premium VPN services offer additional security settings and other features that can change your VPN internet speed. Go to the “Advanced settings” section and try switching to another available Internet protocol. Choose UDP for a fast connection, but be prepared for possible failures. If you prefer a slower but more stable connection, use the TCP protocol.

Turn off Firewall and Other Local Security Applications

Firewalls and antivirus programs can interfere with the operation of VPNs because they filter outgoing data. To check if they are causing VPN problems, you can disable them temporarily. But keep in mind that this can be risky if you want to keep your data safe. It is recommended to always keep VPN, firewall, and antivirus turned on.


The VPN establishes a secure, encrypted connection between the device and a private server, hiding the user’s traffic. This technology is used as a website unblocker because it allows to hide online activity and increases the level of privacy and security on the network. Use it and get benefits!