Data access including private messages from users and to see their friends ‘ names, contact details and activities. An internal facebook document obtained by the New York Times, generated by the company’s internal system in 2017. This internal document contains details of tracking partnerships and provides the most complete picture of data sharing practices in the social network. This data sharing campaign is also intended to benefit the growth of Facebook and to increase users by increasing their advertising revenue. Last September, Facebook experienced a potential data breach affecting up to 50 million users and also faced some other security incidents. In this case, Facebook gave permission to the Bing search engine to see the names of Facebook users virtually all friends of Facebook users without consent, the records showing that Facebook gave access to Netflix and Spotify to read the private messages of Facebook users. Steve Satterfield, Director of Privacy and Public Policy for Facebook, said that none of the partnerships violated the privacy of users or the F.T.C. Agreement.